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Deborah McNeil is an occupational therapist with Master's level certification and who is registered with the professional governing body of the College of Occupational Therapists of BC (COTBC).    Advanced rehabilitation training and experience is provided for concussion/traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, mental health, and aging-in-place/geriatric issues.  

Copyright © McNeil Occupational Rehabilitation Services Ltd.  All rights reserved.

return to work 

​Injury or illness can restrict productive activities such as work, school, volunteer, or childcare tasks. OT identifies barriers to a person's participation in productive  tasks, including task analysis of the demands in addition to the person's physical, cognitive and psycho-social abilities to manage those demands.  OT can then assist the person, school, employer, etc. with targeted skill building, in conjunction with adaptations to tasks and the environment, to increase success in productive activities.  

​​Safety At Home

​​OT addresses a person's needs to function at home safely and as independently as possible.  Injury, illness, mental health, and complex ageing issues can become problematic for carrying out everyday tasks - home access, personal care, meals, cleaning, and other home activities.  OT clarifies medical input, assesses barriers to safety and functioning, and identifies ways to modify tasks, the environment, or skills and equipment needed to safely function at home.  Includes the standardized Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) where indicated.   

community rehabilitation

​​OT addresses disruption to a person's participation in community activities.  Tasks such as shopping, medication and money management, transportation, negotiating or tolerating public spaces, and communicating with others are often compromised by injury, illness, cognitive or mental health issues.  OT uses standardized assessments and real world tasks to identify barriers so that evidence-based education and skills training can be individualized to improve function.  This may include for physical issues (eg. balance/falls risk, mobility aids, accessibility), mental health or cognition issues (eg. confusion, anxiety, mood, sleep disruption or fatigue, attention, memory, and organization problems). The Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP) is available upon request.